株式会社H&Rコンサルタンツ&Imaeda Group. HLPインテリア共同企画
Interior Party ~インテリア小物を作成しながら、交流を深めよう~
日時: 2月9日(水) 10:30-14:00
会場:H&Rコンサルタンツ Furnished Apartment 2Fラウンジ
HP: http://www.japanresidence.com/
費用:¥3000 (セミナー費用・作成材料費・食事・ドリンク代込)
◆講師:今枝 茂樹 (インテリアコーディネーター / HLP インテリア 代表)
LED Light Handicraft and Lunch Gathering
H&R Consultants and HLP Interiors will hold a one-day handicraft lesson conducted in Japanese and English. The presenter Mr. Shigeki Imaeda, studied Interior and Architecture in the US returning to Japan to open his interior shop “HLP Interior (http://www.interior-kukan.com)” in downtown Sakae, will give you hints on how to decorate your home. We will also make a Japanese style LED lighting craft (see photo) and to take home. After the craft activity, a buffet-style light meal will be served. If you came from overseas and want to meet other English speakers, this is a great opportunity to do so! Please note that this activity is limited to 15 people, and while not aimed at children they are welcome to attend as well.
Date & Time: 10:30 to 13:30 on February 9th (Wednesday)
Place: 2F Lounge of H&R Consultants
Higashi Sakura Apartment (www.japanresidence.com
) – 5 minutes’ walk from Shinsakae Subway Station on the Higashiyama Line (a map to the location will be sent by email after you register)
Registration Fee: JPY 3,000 including cost of materials and lunch
How to register: Call (052-973-3957) or email Ms. Kaori Okubo (kaori_okubo/at/morethanrelo.com) of H&R Consultants with your name, email address and phone number.